You will still need these directions, even if you plan on using a GPS or online mapping. They will only lead you to one of UB's entrances, as their directions do not go on campus. Starting May 15th 2023, our offices are located in Richmond on the North Campus of UB. When driving to our office, Google Maps will be able to find “Richmond A Lot (f/s, st)” when you search that location.
Additional resources on getting to UB's North Campus, including maps of campus, are available at Visiting UB
Once you park in this parking lot, walk towards the dormitory at end of the parking lot. Do not enter here; instead turn right, and walk towards the front of the building. Turn left, and walk towards the Moody Terrace roundabout. Turn left, and walk up to the glass doors that say Richmond. Please see picture example below to note where to go. Please ring the doorbell and someone will buzz you in. Once you enter, turn left and there is signage for each office.